When you want to get your body back on track, focus back on your intestinal tract. Your digestive system really is the core of getting your body back to it's natural healthy state. You want to protect your digestive system with good bacteria and gut flora. Most of the average individual do not intake enough good bacteria for your system to properly function. The balance between good and bad bacteria in the intestines is not always equal, which is also known as dysbiosis.
- It aids in the absorption of calcium, magnesium and iron
- It protects the immune system
- It contains a host of important B vitamins
- It helps the body break down amino acids (proteins)
- It boosts mental health
Eat high quality, unprocessed whole foods: Stock up on foods such as fresh fruits, veggies, herbs, spices, lean meats and whole grains (if your body tolerates them).
Ensure you're getting probiotics: Think of your gastrointestinal tract as its own immune system and nervous system. It needs to be ready for any toxic invader that's thinking about messing around with the gut. These friendly bacteria need to out-number the bad so there's less intestinal discomfort, nutritional deficiencies and even depression. Discuss the best variety of probiotics for you with your healthcare professional.
Take digestive enzymes: If food is not being broken down properly, there is no assimilation of nutrients. Taking a digestive enzyme with our meals helps us to digest the proteins, carbs and fats in the food, and get the nutrients to the right places.
Eat fermented foods: Foods such as kefir, kombucha, organic plain yogurt, miso and kimchi contain good bacteria, and can therefore aid the digestive tract.
Source: Karen Sherwood | For Active.com