
Monday, September 2, 2013

Health Benefits of Watermellon Juice

Your body requires a number of vitamins and proteins to function at its absolute best.  One benefit that watermelon as is that it's full of powerful antioxidants.  You should make it a priority in your diet because there are a number of health benefits in taking a healthy dose during the weeks time.  Your body not only need sunscreen and you keeping it clean on the outside, but you need to make sure it as defenses on the inside.  That is where antioxidants play its role, acting as a line of defense and protection to keep your body safe.  If you would like to gear up, charge your body with some real firepower, antioxidants can be your choice of defense. 

With so many common enemies in the environment, the food we eat, and just anything out of our control antioxidants may be your defense.  Some of your big enemies are cancers and tumors should be high on your list to protect yourself from.  Lucy for you by feeding your body the right nutrients health will come your way.  Organic fruits and vegetables are packed with the rich health benefits you need to stay strong and healthy.
Amazing health benefits of watermelon!
  • Antioxidant firepower. Watermelon contains some of the most powerful antioxidants so far discovered. This is where most of the health benefits of watermelon are derived from.
  • Vitamin warehouse. Loaded with Vitamin C and packed with Vitamin A (due to its concentration of beta-carotene).
  • Stop getting the cold. Vitamin C is something most people associate to oranges. But watermelon has a lot of it, and it contributes to a strong immune system as well as slower aging.
  • Lycopene. A potent antioxidant that gives watermelon its bright red color. Up until recently, it was thought to be only in tomatoes. But recent studies have shown watermelon to have the highest lycopene content out of any fruit or vegetable.
  • Prevents prostate cancer. This is due to the antioxidants, especially lycopene. Watermelon is great when juicing for cancer prevention.
  • Rehydration. Rich in electrolytes and 90% water so it’s a healthy alternative to Gatorade, as well as tasting downright amazing.
  • Increased energy. Truckloads of Vitamin B contribute to increased energy production. Some food experts recommend watermelon for Vitamin B1, B6 and magnesium deficiencies.
  • Cope with anxiety and panic. Vitamin B6 increases the brain's ability to cope with anxiety and panic.
  • Cooling effect. Scientists have found that the health benefits of watermelon include a special cooling effect.
  • Lose weight. Watermelon is completely, 100% fat-free.
  • Cholesterol free. No need to worry if you have cholesterol problems.
  • Prevents macular degeneration. Another word for loss of vision, macular degeneration can be prevented by eating or drinking watermelon. The benefits of carrot juice are similar.
  • Prevent heart disease. Another benefit of the antioxidants, and something you will find with most fruits and vegetables.
  • Prevent erectile dysfunction. Scientists are even saying it works similar to Viagra by relaxing the blood vessels.
If you think that your body needs to be up to its best working condition, you can take multivitamins, with that said a watermelon can serve as your multivitamin dose of the day.

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