
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Food as Medicine Cucumber

Everyone likes usually like something sweet to eat or drink, how about having both and while staying healthy. Cucumbers have there own natural sweetener that taste great when you eating it or if you where to blend it and make yourself a cup of juice. Now getting all the good part comes with first selecting the right one. You want to look at two major part before taking one home. First look for the color, pick ones that are a darker green than the rest for they usually are the better quality. You than want to make sure they are firm when you touch them, do not pick a cucumber that is soft and easy to just squeeze with your hand. If you usually shop for fruits and vegetables you may known that if the cucumbers feel soft is most likely that they are starting to go bad. Pay attention to little detail like how they are laid out in the store or market to have a little insight on the quality.
Once you purchase your cucumber remember a few things, first is never buy a lot even when they are on sale. Most fruits and vegetables do not last long so you do not want it to just seat in your fridge and go bad. Once you have it store it in a plastic bag or preferably in a air tight container for about 1 to 2 days while you are using it.

Living in a state like Florida or California most individuals known how hot or cold it can sometimes get. The heat is particular bad for the summer part so a cucumber can really make a difference for you body. It is thermically: that means it has heating or cooling or a neutral effect on the body's temperature. Eating enough cucumbers when your feeling to hot will start to gradually cool your body down. Try it and watch as you body slowly start feeling better and you will be relaxing and cooling down before you known it.

Healing Properties:
Eating or juicing a cucumber has some great benefits to your body. One important one is cleansing the body of toxin, your body build up on the foods you eat. Even the healthiest of people have toxins building up in there bodies. Eating a cucumber can help you body detox on the go with no effort on your part accept for eating. When you body is cleanse and your blood is purifies you will look and feel great.Giving your body strength is also important, it can benefits and strengthens the heart and the Spleen-pancreas organ combo. With your body getting all this help it also makes it easy on your digestive system when you eat a pickle, if you are a meat lover than get a little more help digesting them. If you are worried or just want to avoid kidney and bladder infection make sure to eat a few cucumbers along your week. It can help you fight off the infections and get your system working properly. You can also receive benefits of it moistens and cleanses the Large Intestine. If you have tapeworm and want to try a natural way eat or drink a few cucumbers to see if it can kill them. Going back to those dry and hot climates cucumbers can moistens your lungs. If you have a fever or get a bit of summer heat stroke use cooled cucumbers to help you fight the battle.
One of my favorite benefits is the one it brings for your skin, if you do face mask or anything like a face pack try to incorporate the use of cucumbers. Cucumbers make your skin feel alive, it heals the cells and the tissues on your face. The juice will accelerate the healing of burns and wounds. Use it for skin care or medicine to look great and it will also cost you so much less than visiting a salon.
If you usually have a stressful day take a little time and relax for about 20 minutes with two cucumbers on your eyes. It can help you relax and relief the heat from them, along with any inflammations, swelling, or any dryness and irritations you may have. You may also receive a little bit of extra help, sometimes it can help to calm your mind and getting rid of a little depression.
Cucumbers are amazingly alkalizing which is of tremendous value if your body is too Acidic due to eating too many items too often that are part of the Standard American Diet...
You need to get your body back into a slightly alkaline state if you want to be healthy. That means you can try something as simple as eating cucumbers to help boost your body back to its original healthy state

The Amazing Cucumber nutrition's that you should known: Cucumber is loaded with water (about 96%) that is naturally distilled, which makes it superior to ordinary water tap water. The cucumber contains the minerals manganese, molybdenum, potassium, silica, sulfur, and lesser amounts sodium, calcium, phosphorus and chlorine. A source of Vitamins such as A, C, folic acid and many B vitamins. The skin contains a high percentage of its vitamin A, so should not be peeled off, it should be eaten or juiced with the skin intact.

Remember that everyone is different and our body reacts differently, eating and drinking cucumber juice can have a number of different reactions to your body. Always remember to check for allergies and other health problem before trying anything new.

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