
Friday, January 17, 2014

Clarifying your scalp to take away build up and residue

clarifying your scalp is what removes everything from your scalp and hair that is not permanent. A healthy hair growth benefits from not only healthy eating and maintaining your scalp, but all the good products added from outside needs to get in. That is how your hair will continue to grow and stay healthy as the years go by. Most individuals that goes about their everyday life build up unwanted products on their scalp. The city life can be harmful in its little ways to your scalp little by little every day. With hair products that are used everyday, oils that your scalp produce, we also add our own essential oils to our hair. With the environment we sometimes forget that dirt build up on our scalp just like our skin, we have to clean it on a regular basis also. For most people residue that build up on their scalp goes unnoticed because when you shower you wash your hair. For the scalp to work to its full potential build up needs to be prevented. That is to detox your scalp about once or twice a month max, getting rid of all that is in the way of potential hair growth.

Base on the hair products that you used, some are heavy and will result in your hair needing clarifying more often than others. If you use a lot of products in your hair on a daily basis, buildups will stop your hair proper growth and health. On average most individuals need to clarify their hair once or twice a month. Using silicone-free products reduce the need to clarify your scalp often. Some signs that you may need to clarify your scalp is when your hair loses its shine, feels heavy, and looks dull. Others indications can be when your scalp starts itching, when you can feel the buildup, and for sure when your products stop working how they use to.
When clarifying your hair different methods may be used depending on hair and scalp sensitivity. To play it safe and still get your hair clean a simple vinegar and water rinse will do the trick. Shampoo your hair as usual and after pour a 1:2 ratio of vinegar and water together. Use the mix all over wash hair and leave it in for 2 to 5 minutes, after wash out with cold water to seal in. For a heavy buildup or if you just do not get to clarify your hair when it needs it try shampoo and baking soda mix. Using your preferred clarifying shampoo mix about tablespoon of baking soda, gently massage all over scalp. Leave in for about 2 to 5, rinse hair out with warm water than cold to seal it.

Take care so products do not get in your eyes when using
Choose products that best works with your hair type

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