The combination of herbs and oil have more benefits than we can even begin to imagine. It's all a matter of finding the right combination and mixing it all in the right way. Herbs like Saw Palmetto have been use for centuries as both a food staple and healing medicinal herb. In recent studies, scientist have seen beneficial effects for those that suffer from benign prostatic hypoplasia (BPH). Other conditions associated with DHT (male Hormone) production can be helped as well.
Stinging Nettle is another herb found naturally across America, blocking the conversion of testosterone into DHT. When your body produces a larger amount of DHT it causes hair loss in men as well as women. You can find stinging nettle in the wild, but make sure to use gloves because if the leaf comes in contact with human skin it may sting. Both herbs are available in capsules and herbs, but saw palmetto is also ointments, tinctures and teas. By combining these two herbs together you can get a in oils and rinse, your hair will benefits from strength and prevent premature hair loss.
Other uses:
The fresh leaves can be submersed in olive oil in a glass jar, Seal and place in a cool, dark spot for 2 to 3 weeks. Apply the oil in an invigorating scalp massage.
You may also add stinging nettle essential oil to you organic shampoo and conditioner to add boost to improve your products.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Be positive (18)
An experiment was conducted with a group of women having low life satisfaction. Some of the women were introduced to others who share their situation, and some of the women were left on their own to deal with their concerns. Those who interacted with others saw a 55 percent reduction in their concerns over time, while those who were left on their own showed no improvement.
Hunter and Liao 1995
Running for weight loss
Doing cardio exercise can be hard for most people because you burn a lot energy and that takes a tool on your body. Last year I wanted to get in shape so I had to lose my body fat, running was one of my top cardio to perform. For about 8 months I got up every morning at 6AM and went running for about an hour and a half. It made my weight lost goal more attainable in a shorter period of time I anticipated. I started running because in the beginning I was limited to what equipment's I had available to me. With not only that reason running has a variety of reason why its a great choice.
The first and favorite reason for most would be that it requires no special equipment except one great pair of shoes. running does not have to be time you have the freedom to do it anytime and anywhere. It’s a high impact cardio, which helps with strong bones and connective tissues. It brings your heart rate up much faster than other exercises along with burning some serious calories. Adding hills, sprints, and interval training give you a stronger workout with awesome results.
running has help me lose more weight than I ever though possible in pass year. In the beginning it takes time to build the strength and stamina to run but it’s worth it. Start with a brisk walk and then build up to running so your body can get adjusted to the cardio. Running takes a little time and most can achieve a major change in their exercise by incorporating a 30 minute of running a day, just three days a week.
The first and favorite reason for most would be that it requires no special equipment except one great pair of shoes. running does not have to be time you have the freedom to do it anytime and anywhere. It’s a high impact cardio, which helps with strong bones and connective tissues. It brings your heart rate up much faster than other exercises along with burning some serious calories. Adding hills, sprints, and interval training give you a stronger workout with awesome results.
running has help me lose more weight than I ever though possible in pass year. In the beginning it takes time to build the strength and stamina to run but it’s worth it. Start with a brisk walk and then build up to running so your body can get adjusted to the cardio. Running takes a little time and most can achieve a major change in their exercise by incorporating a 30 minute of running a day, just three days a week.
personal health,
Weight Loss
Florida, USA
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Invest in equipments you will use and that are efficient to your workout
When purchasing your workout equipment a matter of preference and your budget. Starting out you can go with something as simple a set of hand weight or if you want to get heavy with an in-one system. There is no right or wrong choice when it comes to the equipment you need, feel free to go with the equipment that best fit your needs. Starting out with limited space of your own you want to go with light equipment that are smaller, simpler to use and store. equipment like jump rope, mini trampoline, weights, yoga mats, ankle weights, and any other small equipment you may need. Starting a workout routine is great, that’s why you should set a time to keep you going and help your body achieve its goals. You should take your time and look at the result you have reach over a period of time to decide on larger and more expensive equipment.
Making large purchases to set up a personal gym can be costly for some plus you want it to be
My rule of thumb for the bigger equipment is choose what's fun for you, the one your going to look forward to working out on. Everyone has their own preferences and what makes them happy, usually the majority of us have different taste. When I get on my elliptical machine I love the workout it gives me, I really get into the exercise and give it my all because I’m having fun. Most stop exercising for many reason, but if you have something you’re doing that you really enjoy you will make time for it and never quit.
personal health,
Weight Loss
Florida, USA
Positive you (17)
In studies on married couples, a significant connection is found between rigidity in one partner and discord in the relationship. Where partner is convinced he or she is correct and therefore not open to suggestion, the length of time disagreements continue is about three times as great.
Botwin, Buss, and Shackelford 1997
Growing Your Hair….’Help Blood Circulate’ and watch your hair grow
Blood circulation is very important to your body . Every part of the human body need access to blood supply. Your circulatory system transport, protect, and assist your body when blood flows. Among those three you want to help your transportation. Moving substances to and from the body cells is your transportation. Blood need to circulate for your body to work bottom line. With saying that most people would be surprise about the benefits of blood circulation of their scalp. Your hair has a natural growing rate, for some it’s faster than others do to many different reasons. Which ever the case maybe blood circulation to the scalp can make a difference for your hair. A simple hair massage as little as once a week will get you better circulation. When blood circulate from your scalp it receive a burst of nutrients that usually takes longer to reach it. Using your finger are always a great tool and you feel every part of your scalp with your hand.
I started massaging my scalp with my finders about two to three times a week for about 30 minutes. I recently found a scalp massage on one of my favorite site to shop for products. They have really fair prices and so much to look at, and really almost anyone can afford. If you visit this exact link at you will see the scalp massage I order. I believe these benefits you even more because your scalp get a close up and personal massage from tools like this one.
I started massaging my scalp with my finders about two to three times a week for about 30 minutes. I recently found a scalp massage on one of my favorite site to shop for products. They have really fair prices and so much to look at, and really almost anyone can afford. If you visit this exact link at you will see the scalp massage I order. I believe these benefits you even more because your scalp get a close up and personal massage from tools like this one.
Burdock root oil is one of the most important herbs used to restore ones hair lost. This oil will promote healthy hair growth by relieving scalp irritations and improving blood circulation to the hair follicle. The natural phytosterols and important essential fatty acids that your hair roots need can be delivered by using burdock root oil. It is a key ingredient use in various hair restoration treatments. Applying it to your scalp will help your hair in many ways because of the multiple benefits and uses for your scalp.
Hair Care,
Florida, USA
Be Positive (16)
Across all ages and all groups, a solid belief in one's abilities increases life satisfaction by about 30 percent, and makes us happier in our home lives and in our work lives.
Myers and Diener 1995
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Positive in life (14)
Research on unemployed adults has found that the length of unemployment was less important to a person's self-esteem than the amount of social support received from parents, family members, and friends.
Lackowic-Grgin and Dekovic 1996
Positive in life (13)
In research on older Americans, what predicted satisfaction more than finances or the state of their current relationships was their willingness to adapt. If they were willing to change some of their habits and expectations, their happiness was maintained even their circumstances changed. Those who were resistant to change, on the other hand, were less than one-third as likely to feel happy.
Clark, Carlson, Zemke, Gelya, and Ennevor 1996
Growing Your Hair with a simple trick…..’Start from the ROOT of it all!’
Your hair only grow if your scalp is healthy enough to allow that growth to happen, meaning you need always keep it healthy. Most people may not realize this but the hair that is already out from the scalp is pretty much just there. Once you hair has grown out there all you can do is maintain the health as best as you can. The trick is to get the hair its healthier before it comes out your scalp. You want to keep your body healthy from the inside out. That require that you eat the right food and get plenty of exercises on a daily basis.
Your personal health control every part of your life, so if you want beautiful hair take the steps to achieve it. An essential oil that protects your scalp is Lavender oil, it is a native of the Mediterranean but now it is grown in temperate climates around the world. This oil has been use for centuries to encourage new hair growth and prevent baldness. Containing a potent anti-bacterial agent to soothe and heal your scalp infections, lavender oil can always protect your scalp before the damage even starts. maintaining your scalp is much easier than having to fix an infection that keeps on spreading around. If you suffer from dandruff and want a little help lavender is a big help in that department, just add a few drops to your regular shampoo and it can help remove your dandruff. If you are like me you love volume in your hair, by using lavender oil you can add volume to your hair shaft as it grows for a fuller looking head of hair.
Lavender Infused oil
Place a few sprigs of lavender in a glass containercover with extra-virgin olive oil and cover tightly
Place in a cool, dark spot and allow to age for 3 to 4 weeks
Use the lavender infused oil as a daily scalp massage
Apply and leave on overnight
In the morning, wash hair with a gentle organic shampoo and style as usual
Extra help:
A daily rinse of lavender water ……bring water to a boil, add a few sprigs of lavender, reduce to simmer for 20 minutes, then cool…… will impart a delightful fragrance and shine to hair. Apply lavender as a daily rinse after shampooing your hair for even more effective results.
Hair Care,
personal health,
Florida, USA
Monday, January 27, 2014
Be on the positive side (12)
The congruence of people's goals with their resources strongly correlates with happiness. In other words, the more realistic and attainable people's goals are, the more likely they are to feel good about themselves. People who conclude their goals are out of reach are less than one-tenth as likely to consider them-selves satisfied with life.
Diener and Fujita 1995
Growing Your Hair by ’Stop Looking for a Magic Product’ to work overnight
With hair growth I have made some mistakes just because I wanted to grow my hair supper fast. I would see all those natural girls with their big hair and my goal was to get that length in no time. The true of the matter is everyone hair is different, and most importantly hair takes time to grow. You need to focus on the health of your hair not just how long it is. If you want your hair to grow overnight chances are you’re doing more damage to your hair than you think. There is no magic product to grow your hair two to seven inches in a week or even a month sometimes. I first started with A hair growth pill witch work only so much because of how damage my hair was. I never got the full effect because my hair was not healthy enough to have the growth the pill was providing. I than move on to regular store-bought products that i notice some of the natural ladies using online. I try garnier fruictis products, VO5 conditioners, Pantene ProV, and so many others. One major mistake I believe I made was never giving my hair enough time to adjust to the new product. If I found something new that was supposed to work better I ran and got it.
I soon realize after a while my hair would grow but it would look really bad and it was shedding quite a lot. I now became really cautious about what I was putting in my hair, I mean not just the products but the ingredients as well. I started researching each one by itself and the effects it has on my hair. The best advice I got from one of the YouTube videos I watch was a lady stating that ’If you can’t pronounce an ingredient do not putt it in your hair’. I have taking that rule to heart in all ways, making sure I known exactly every ingredients I am putting in my hair. The minute I started doing that I realize how just about every store-bought product was not going to work for my hair care. After reading the ingredients I could not get past the first three, after that I decided to go find all natural products. Even those did not make a big difference in my hair to start with. A little help was giving, but because my hair was still unhealthy it was not working like it should. I became so frustrated I will admit that for about two months I would just wash my hair every week and leave it alone. In the end of the two months I decided to not give up and get back to taking care of my hair. When I went back I did it differently not only with the products but my regimen. I first figure out what was not going right with my hair, my shedding, how it never hold any moisture, split ends, and no growth really. I Decided also to also cut off about two to three inches of my hair to give it a good start. I now make my own hair products from natural products that I buy at the grocery store with carrier and essential oils. I started getting the results that my hair was due to have months ago. Even after I cut off my two inches after about two months I got my growth back.
My take on this is that you should never look for a ‘magic product’ of any kind. Your hair growth is base on health from what I got from my results. I got my results because I look at what my hair needed and keeping the health up. I change my diet, made my own products, and when ever my hair needed a trim I trim it without hesitation. The best advice I really can give is to focus on YOUR hair and not someone else's. Every single person hair is different no matter how much they seem to be the same. There is no such thing again as a magic product, look at what works for you. Some people have great products they use but are getting bad or no results, others used regular or bad products and gets great results. When you used strong hair products that hurts your hair and mask the damage you will never achieve true growth. How you handle your hair is the most important tool you have, treat your hair right and maintain it.
Remember everyone hair is different when it comes to taking care of it, check out this links for help and tips:
I soon realize after a while my hair would grow but it would look really bad and it was shedding quite a lot. I now became really cautious about what I was putting in my hair, I mean not just the products but the ingredients as well. I started researching each one by itself and the effects it has on my hair. The best advice I got from one of the YouTube videos I watch was a lady stating that ’If you can’t pronounce an ingredient do not putt it in your hair’. I have taking that rule to heart in all ways, making sure I known exactly every ingredients I am putting in my hair. The minute I started doing that I realize how just about every store-bought product was not going to work for my hair care. After reading the ingredients I could not get past the first three, after that I decided to go find all natural products. Even those did not make a big difference in my hair to start with. A little help was giving, but because my hair was still unhealthy it was not working like it should. I became so frustrated I will admit that for about two months I would just wash my hair every week and leave it alone. In the end of the two months I decided to not give up and get back to taking care of my hair. When I went back I did it differently not only with the products but my regimen. I first figure out what was not going right with my hair, my shedding, how it never hold any moisture, split ends, and no growth really. I Decided also to also cut off about two to three inches of my hair to give it a good start. I now make my own hair products from natural products that I buy at the grocery store with carrier and essential oils. I started getting the results that my hair was due to have months ago. Even after I cut off my two inches after about two months I got my growth back.
My take on this is that you should never look for a ‘magic product’ of any kind. Your hair growth is base on health from what I got from my results. I got my results because I look at what my hair needed and keeping the health up. I change my diet, made my own products, and when ever my hair needed a trim I trim it without hesitation. The best advice I really can give is to focus on YOUR hair and not someone else's. Every single person hair is different no matter how much they seem to be the same. There is no such thing again as a magic product, look at what works for you. Some people have great products they use but are getting bad or no results, others used regular or bad products and gets great results. When you used strong hair products that hurts your hair and mask the damage you will never achieve true growth. How you handle your hair is the most important tool you have, treat your hair right and maintain it.
Remember everyone hair is different when it comes to taking care of it, check out this links for help and tips:
Florida, USA
A Positive you (11)
Contrary to the belief that happiness is hard to explain, or that it depends on having great wealth, researchers have identified the core factors in a happy life. The primary components are number of friends, closeness of friends, closeness of family, and relationships with co-workers and neighbors. Together these features explain about 70 percent of a personal happiness.
Murray and Peacock 1996
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Keeping your skin beautiful and clear
Cleansing your skin require a few steps that will not only clear it up but will help keep its beautiful Glow. To start cleansing your skin, achieving a natural glow, only a few key steps are require.
First start with at lease applying a clay or mud mask to your face about once a week. This will help your skin not build up any dirt for a long period of time.
You than want to make sure you exfoliate your skin at lease two to three times a week. If you have sensitive skin you may want to see how your skin react and how much it can handle. I personally exfoliate everyday after I use my facial cleanser because my skin is not super sensitive and I use baking soda for my exfoliating scrub, so it has a nice smooth rice with no irritations.
using a cotton sheet mask before bed time can be an asset to your skin, it helps seal in a moisture and put good products on your skin right before a good night of sleep. Because it is right before bed time you skin with have that product to mix with it natural rejuvenation and boost your skin for the next day.
A few other tips to consider are just changing just a few of your habits that you may have or adding a few ones in. Did you known that drinking a cup of green tea a day, it may help to cleanse you body and make your skin glow all at once. Eating dairy may cause you to breakout sometime, depend on the months sometime I breakout and other times I do not. You may want to check how your body personally react to dairy, also going with high sodium foods may not be in your favor.
Keeping your skin clear all starts on the inside, you want what is inside to reflect outside. If you are not eating the right nutrition's, filling your body up and clogging up, it may cause you skin irritations that you could have easily avoid.
First start with at lease applying a clay or mud mask to your face about once a week. This will help your skin not build up any dirt for a long period of time.
You than want to make sure you exfoliate your skin at lease two to three times a week. If you have sensitive skin you may want to see how your skin react and how much it can handle. I personally exfoliate everyday after I use my facial cleanser because my skin is not super sensitive and I use baking soda for my exfoliating scrub, so it has a nice smooth rice with no irritations.
using a cotton sheet mask before bed time can be an asset to your skin, it helps seal in a moisture and put good products on your skin right before a good night of sleep. Because it is right before bed time you skin with have that product to mix with it natural rejuvenation and boost your skin for the next day.
A few other tips to consider are just changing just a few of your habits that you may have or adding a few ones in. Did you known that drinking a cup of green tea a day, it may help to cleanse you body and make your skin glow all at once. Eating dairy may cause you to breakout sometime, depend on the months sometime I breakout and other times I do not. You may want to check how your body personally react to dairy, also going with high sodium foods may not be in your favor.
Keeping your skin clear all starts on the inside, you want what is inside to reflect outside. If you are not eating the right nutrition's, filling your body up and clogging up, it may cause you skin irritations that you could have easily avoid.
Facial Mask,
Skin Care
Florida, USA
Positive you today (10)
In studies of college students, shifting between pre-sleep thought was found to be related to difficulty in sleeping and lower sleep quality, which, in turn, were related to unhappiness. Better sleepers are 6 percent more satisfied with their lives than average sleepers, ans 25 percent more satisfied than poor sleepers.
Abdel Khalek, Al-Meshaan, and Al-shatti 1995
Hillsborough, FL, USA
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Lets grow your hair with shapoo in a new way
So yes we all have to shampoo our hair to keep the dirt, grim, and clogging oils away that we do not want on our scalp. With that said we have to shampoo our hair pretty much, especially if your like me an exercise daily. Over the past two years I have really try to find the best shampoo that does not completely strip my hair. I did not want to fear my shampoo day was going to just kill all the work I put into my hair. My best result was when I made my own natural shampoo at home. Theses two home-made shampoos are not only stopping my hair from shedding, but they help it grow and keep it really healthy. Making your own shampoo at home is easy and help in ways that most store-bought brands do not.
Aloe vera gel is effective against hair loss, it contains aloenin, a powerful stimulant that accelerate the rate of hair growth. It does not cause any scalp irritation for those with sensitive scalp or any other problem. Aloe vera is a key ingredient in most of the shampoo and conditioners because it promote healthy hair. Aloe vera is free of petroleum-based ingredients and alcohol that your usual hair products contain. I improves blood circulation of hair follicles for you to have fuller and thicker hair. It also treats dandruff, a common symptom of a skin disorder that some people suffer from. Wheat Germ oil is pack with vitamins such as D, A, E, it is extremely rich, and is rich with protein. peppermint essential oil contains Vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium, copper, manganese, potassium, iron, and magnesium can be found in peppermint oil and it even contains omega 3 essential fatty acids. In using these products you can help your hair improve in health and have a better growth.
Hair growth shampoo that I have made:
1. Mix 1/4 cup of wheat germ, 1/4 cup of aloe vera and 1/4 cup of coconut milk and use this product as a natural shampoo.
2. Mix 1/4 cup of Aloe Vera Gel, 1/4 Dr. Bronner’s Organic Pure Castile Bar Soap, 2 drops of peppermint essential oil and use the products as a shampoo
You can also use other oils such as emu oil, rosemary oil, mustard oil.
Aloe vera gel is effective against hair loss, it contains aloenin, a powerful stimulant that accelerate the rate of hair growth. It does not cause any scalp irritation for those with sensitive scalp or any other problem. Aloe vera is a key ingredient in most of the shampoo and conditioners because it promote healthy hair. Aloe vera is free of petroleum-based ingredients and alcohol that your usual hair products contain. I improves blood circulation of hair follicles for you to have fuller and thicker hair. It also treats dandruff, a common symptom of a skin disorder that some people suffer from. Wheat Germ oil is pack with vitamins such as D, A, E, it is extremely rich, and is rich with protein. peppermint essential oil contains Vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium, copper, manganese, potassium, iron, and magnesium can be found in peppermint oil and it even contains omega 3 essential fatty acids. In using these products you can help your hair improve in health and have a better growth.
Hair growth shampoo that I have made:
1. Mix 1/4 cup of wheat germ, 1/4 cup of aloe vera and 1/4 cup of coconut milk and use this product as a natural shampoo.
2. Mix 1/4 cup of Aloe Vera Gel, 1/4 Dr. Bronner’s Organic Pure Castile Bar Soap, 2 drops of peppermint essential oil and use the products as a shampoo
You can also use other oils such as emu oil, rosemary oil, mustard oil.
Florida, USA
Be Positive with life (9)
In studies of students, greater ethnic identity is associated with 10 percent life satisfaction.
Neto 1995
Monday, January 20, 2014
Before You Shampoo Treatment for your hair to avoid damage and get the best result
My hair does not really like shampoo no matter what kind it is. I recently started making my own shampoo at home and it has been much better but not 100% satisfactory. So in light of that fact I found a treatment to help my hair so it does not feel rough after its been shampoo.
1 cup of Aloe vera gel
4 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar
1 tbsp nettle tincture
1 tbsp rosemary oil
1 tbsp vitamin E oil
After gathering all your products just mix it all products together and rub it on your scalp, leave it in for about 10 to 15 minutes, after rinse hair with warm water and shampoo as usual.
check for allergies and other side effects, some people have sensitive scalp and may not be able to use these products, you can always just use the aloe Vera gel because it’s really not harmful and works with just about any hair type.
1 cup of Aloe vera gel
4 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar
1 tbsp nettle tincture
1 tbsp rosemary oil
1 tbsp vitamin E oil
After gathering all your products just mix it all products together and rub it on your scalp, leave it in for about 10 to 15 minutes, after rinse hair with warm water and shampoo as usual.
check for allergies and other side effects, some people have sensitive scalp and may not be able to use these products, you can always just use the aloe Vera gel because it’s really not harmful and works with just about any hair type.
Florida, USA
Lets keep it positive (8)
In a study of adult self-esteem, researchers found that people who are happy with themselves take defeat and explain it away, treating it as an isolated incident that indicates nothing about their ability. People who are unhappy take defeat and enlarge it, making it stand for who they are and using it to predict the outcome of future life events.
Brown and Dutton 1995
Whole Body Conditioning Workout For Women……’Look Your Best with the result of a great workout'
The best part of my day is when I am working out in the early morning. I am constantly looking for a better workout and ways to improve my health. I recently found this great article to get better results out of my workouts. Getting in shape require that you not only have a stable workout plan, but you maintain it everyday.
The reason it is a 7-Day routine is because it is not intense as such, and familiarity of doing exercise on a daily basis is a good idea, even though Day 7 is a gentle session and can be considered as just a relaxing day but with some exercise scheduled in to it. The plan is flexible, in that if you should miss a day, just pass over it and continue the normal cycle as you have it planned; this is not a problem due to the fact that each weight session covers the entire body, so if you end up missing a session, you have no need to overly concern yourself or berate yourself.
It is recommended that you plan complete breaks of about a week in duration; plan these to coincide with celebrations, holidays and similar days, but try not to take more than 5 weeks per year in total. The way to remain fit is to adhere to a program and if too many rest weeks occur this can prove detrimental; but 5 are fine, which works out to taking a break every 8-10 weeks. You could cycle the routine for 8 weeks and then take the rest week, or you could cycle it for 12 weeks and then break for one week for a birthday and the a week or two later for another important date in your life; the choice is yours. This is also an integral part, since you have to be able to learn to make decisions early on because this will put you in control of your fitness and that way you will stick with the program.
Notes: Where it says 3 sets and 20 reps; all this means is do 20 reps, short pause, do another 20 reps, short pause, do the last 20 reps. If you are unable to complete the reps required, this is not a problem; there are several ways around this: choose a lighter weight; do as many as you can in that session and build up over time to get to the number of reps stated; take very brief pauses of 5 seconds and continue the reps until you have done as many as you can or reached the number required.
Lying triceps extensions, pullovers and other suitable exercises can be done with either one weight held between two hands or with one weight in each hand; this is a way in which to vary the weight load, in a slightly different manner.
You will need to use lighter weights for some muscle groups, not the same weight for all muscle groups; the stronger the muscle the higher the weight load a person should use.
*If bands are available for performing the leg abduction and adduction exercises, then these two exercises can be done whilst standing upright and attaching the band around a sturdy object such as a stair railing. Dumbbells can be balanced across the trainers that are being worn, although this does require some balancing skills when lowering and raising the leg, but lightweights should be started with; a 5kg weight is a challenge during leg adduction, so anything below that is not considered bad in any way. Ankle weights are preferable, but not necessary.
**These have been placed in for those wishing to do some seated calf raises, if they can find weights that will challenge the calf; however, doing standing calf raises in each of the 3 sessions is fine, and is how the routine was performed initially.
*Lying leg curl is done with a weight held between the feet; this is one set of 60 reps, because a low weight will not really tax the legs, however, done for 60 reps straight, you will feel it. Start low with the weight at 3kg, when it gets easy enough to do the 60 reps with no problems, move up to 4kg, and then to 5kg. If you cannot complete the 60 reps in one set, then pause a short time to get your breath and start from where you left off until you have completed as many as you feel you can, or have reached the goal of 60 reps.
**Chest dips can be done wherever you can find a suitable place, the corner of two kitchen units, for example. Half push-ups can be done until strength increases enough to complete full push-ups. With these 2 exercises, you may also omit one and just do 3 sets of 20 reps of the other one; so should you choose not to do chest dips, just do 3 sets of 20 reps of the push-ups.
There is no need for fancy stepping, this will get you injured, and a twisted ankle will halt your gains. So, the plan is:
(Always count the lead leg)
Follow the exact same plan of building up your endurance/fitness levels, if using a bike/exercise bike. This is the same process you will use for gaining strength where the weight sessions are concerned; do as much as you can and gradually build it up week by week.
One of the most important things to do is to keep a journal, in this way you can see the improvements yourself. Above all, remember to have fun! Once you feel that you have outgrown this plan, move onto another routine; you will know when that time is.
Workout Summary
Main Goal: Build Muscle
Workout Type: Full Body
Training Level: Beginner
Days Per Week: 7
Equipment Required:
Barbell, Bodyweight, Dumbbells, Exercise Ball, Machines
Target Gender: Male & Female
Workout Description
How it works:
This is a 7-day routine, for general fitness, which is suitable for any female that has never lifted a weight before; it is in fact the routine that I began with, having never lifted a weight. It is also very practical for those not wishing to go to a gym, because all the exercises can be performed at home, with a few pieces of equipment; all of the equipment will be based around your own level of strength.The plan:
- Day 1: Weight Routine A
- Day 2: Cardio 45 minutes
- Day 3: Weight Routine B
- Day 4: Cardio 45 minutes
- Day 5: Weight Routine C
- Day 6: Cardio 45 minutes
- Day 7: A 60 minute walk/cycle ride (at a good pace, based on your current fitness level)
The reason it is a 7-Day routine is because it is not intense as such, and familiarity of doing exercise on a daily basis is a good idea, even though Day 7 is a gentle session and can be considered as just a relaxing day but with some exercise scheduled in to it. The plan is flexible, in that if you should miss a day, just pass over it and continue the normal cycle as you have it planned; this is not a problem due to the fact that each weight session covers the entire body, so if you end up missing a session, you have no need to overly concern yourself or berate yourself.
It is recommended that you plan complete breaks of about a week in duration; plan these to coincide with celebrations, holidays and similar days, but try not to take more than 5 weeks per year in total. The way to remain fit is to adhere to a program and if too many rest weeks occur this can prove detrimental; but 5 are fine, which works out to taking a break every 8-10 weeks. You could cycle the routine for 8 weeks and then take the rest week, or you could cycle it for 12 weeks and then break for one week for a birthday and the a week or two later for another important date in your life; the choice is yours. This is also an integral part, since you have to be able to learn to make decisions early on because this will put you in control of your fitness and that way you will stick with the program.
- An adjustable set of dumbbells (or a set of 2.5kg/3kg/4kg/5kg weights; base the selection on your strength levels)
- An exercise step (optional*) [can also double up for use in dumbbell bench press etc]
- An exercise bike (optional*)
- A stability ball [use this for exercises that require a flat bench, dumbbell bench press etc]
Notes: Where it says 3 sets and 20 reps; all this means is do 20 reps, short pause, do another 20 reps, short pause, do the last 20 reps. If you are unable to complete the reps required, this is not a problem; there are several ways around this: choose a lighter weight; do as many as you can in that session and build up over time to get to the number of reps stated; take very brief pauses of 5 seconds and continue the reps until you have done as many as you can or reached the number required.
Lying triceps extensions, pullovers and other suitable exercises can be done with either one weight held between two hands or with one weight in each hand; this is a way in which to vary the weight load, in a slightly different manner.
You will need to use lighter weights for some muscle groups, not the same weight for all muscle groups; the stronger the muscle the higher the weight load a person should use.
Workout A | ||
Workout A | ||
Exercise | Sets | Reps |
Dumbbell Squat | 3 | 20 |
Dumbbell Bench Press | 3 | 20 |
Dumbbell Pullover | 3 | 20 |
Dumbbell Lateral Raise | 3 | 15 |
Dumbbell Hammer Curl | 3 | 20 |
Two Arm Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Extension | 3 | 20 |
Standing Calf Raise | 2 | 30 |
Reverse Hyperextension | 3 | 20 |
Ab Crunches | 3 | 20 |
Workout B | ||
Workout B | ||
Exercise | Sets | Reps |
Flat Bench Dumbbell Flye | 3 | 20 |
One Arm Dumbbell Row | 3 | 20 |
Dumbbell Shoulder Press | 3 | 20 |
Dumbbell Bicep Curl | 3 | 20 |
Tricep Kickback | 3 | 15 |
Lying Adduction (dumbbells/bands*) | 3 | 20 |
Lying Abduction (dumbbells/bands*) | 3 | 20 |
Seated Calf Raise** | 2 | 30 |
Reverse/Lower Abs Crunch | 3 | 20 |
**These have been placed in for those wishing to do some seated calf raises, if they can find weights that will challenge the calf; however, doing standing calf raises in each of the 3 sessions is fine, and is how the routine was performed initially.
Workout C | ||
Workout C | ||
Exercise | Sets | Reps |
Sissy Squat | 3 | 20 |
Lying Leg Curl* | 1 | 60 |
Standing Calf Raise | 2 | 30 |
Chest Dip** | 2 | 15 |
Push Up** | 2 | 15 |
Dumbbell Pullover | 3 | 20 |
Dumbbell Reverse Flye | 3 | 15 |
Bicep Concentration Curl | 3 | 20 |
Lying Two Arm Dumbbell Tricep Extension | 3 | 20 |
Obliques Curl | 3 | 20 |
**Chest dips can be done wherever you can find a suitable place, the corner of two kitchen units, for example. Half push-ups can be done until strength increases enough to complete full push-ups. With these 2 exercises, you may also omit one and just do 3 sets of 20 reps of the other one; so should you choose not to do chest dips, just do 3 sets of 20 reps of the push-ups.
Cardio/Aerobic activity:
If using an aerobic step, set it at a height which is comfortable for you. Start on the lowest setting if you are completely new to exercise; if you are slightly fitter, start on the medium height setting; if you feel you are able to handle it, use the step set at its highest level.There is no need for fancy stepping, this will get you injured, and a twisted ankle will halt your gains. So, the plan is:
(Always count the lead leg)
- Step up with the right leg
- Step up with the left leg
- Step down with the right leg
- Step down with the left leg
- Tap ground with left foot (this is the changeover after reaching 10 with the right leg as the leading leg)
- Step up with left leg
- Step up with right leg
- Step down with left leg
- Step down with right leg
- Tap ground with right foot (this is the changeover after reaching 10 with the left leg as the leading leg)
Follow the exact same plan of building up your endurance/fitness levels, if using a bike/exercise bike. This is the same process you will use for gaining strength where the weight sessions are concerned; do as much as you can and gradually build it up week by week.
One of the most important things to do is to keep a journal, in this way you can see the improvements yourself. Above all, remember to have fun! Once you feel that you have outgrown this plan, move onto another routine; you will know when that time is.
personal health,
Weight Loss
Florida, USA
Lets be a positive you (7)
Watching too much TV can triple our hunger for more possessions, while reducing our personal contentment by about 5 percent for every hour a day we watch.
Wu 1998
Growing Your Hair: your first tip to new hair growth
For the past year and a half I have stop perm my hair and decided to leave it in its natural state. As most people may or may not known those store-bought products are full of mineral oils that coat your strand. For many manufactures mineral oils are a staple in the majority of their products that contain synthetic ingredients because it acts as a preservative. For most people the research behind the ingredients of your hair products never happens. I can admit to making that mistake for many years from when i started taking care of my hair. I would go to the hair salon and just go by a product that my stylist recommended. I would go to the beauty shops and just look at the front of the products and except that it tell me it will work. After my hair just stop growing about three years ago I notice something was just not working for me. Mineral oil is the result of the distillation of petroleum which acts as a saran wrap against your scalp, slowing down one of the skin’s main job which is to eliminate toxins. The main oil that about every manufactures love to put in their products, the number one product that was on every one of my hair products at home. On the other hand natural oils are even better and can easily absorbed by the skin. Growing your hair require more than just washing it and styling it. I have looked for months on different products and how they react to my hair. My first product is the jojoba oil for many reasons, number one to me is because it is the closes oil to compare to the one your scalp produces. Taking care of your hair mean to feed it the best products that it needs. These are a few things to known about why jojoba oil should be part of your hair care oils.
Composition of Jojoba Oil
Jojoba oil is actually a liquid wax ester that comprises 50 percent of the weight of the jojoba seed. According to the Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine, jojoba oil is an ideal cosmetic ingredient for products designed to moisturizer and protect, due to its chemical composition and stable nature. Natural jojoba oil is an extremely pure triglyceride-free oil, low in, if not entirely free, of gums, carboxylic acids, hydroperoxides, tars, phosphatides, chlorophylls, color bodies and malodorous low molecular weight carbonyl compounds.
Forms of Jojoba Oil
Composition of Jojoba Oil
Jojoba oil is actually a liquid wax ester that comprises 50 percent of the weight of the jojoba seed. According to the Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine, jojoba oil is an ideal cosmetic ingredient for products designed to moisturizer and protect, due to its chemical composition and stable nature. Natural jojoba oil is an extremely pure triglyceride-free oil, low in, if not entirely free, of gums, carboxylic acids, hydroperoxides, tars, phosphatides, chlorophylls, color bodies and malodorous low molecular weight carbonyl compounds.
Forms of Jojoba Oil
Jojoba oil is a naturally hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic antioxidant with superb moisturizer and clarifying properties. Unrefined jojoba oil is golden-colored with a slight odor. The purity of unrefined jojoba oil has not been compromised in the filtration process. Cosmetic manufacturers often use refined jojoba oil, as it is colorless, odorless, and mixes well with other cosmetic ingredients. The term “cold pressed” indicates that only a small amount of heat was used in the extraction process in order to maintain jojoba oil’s purity. “expelled pressed” requires only a small amount of heat as well, and sustains the integrity of the oil.
How Jojoba Oil Helps
Jojoba is structurally similar to the sebum our skin produces naturally. The Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine explains that if your scalp is dry, jojoba oil acts as a substitute, moisturising the hair follicle and preventing tangles and coarseness. If there is excess sebum, jojoba oil breaks down the buildup, cleaning hair, scalp and hair shaft. Jojoba oil dissolves residue buildup from hair products, as well as environmental pollutants.How Jojoba Oil Helps
Purchasing Jojoba Oil
If you purchase jojoba oil in its pure form, the brand HobaCare jojoba oil is 100 percent organic, expelled pressed and unrefined. Mountain Rose Herbs offers a cold-pressed unrefined organic jojoba oil, and Dessert Essence sells an organic, odorless, cold-pressed jojoba oil. Crabtree and Evelyn’s Jojoba Oil Shampoo and Conditioner and Rudy’s Natural Emu Oil and Jojoba Oil Shampoo and Conditioner are two hair care lines that feature the moisturizer and astringent properties of jojoba oil. Jojoba oil, especially in its pure, unrefined form, can be expensive, but it has a long shelf life and has an almost unlimited number of uses.
Florida, USA
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Lets be on a Positive side (6)
Close relationships, more than personal satisfaction or one's view of the world as a whole, are the most meaningful factors in happiness. If you feel close to other people, you are four times as likely to feel good about yourself than if you do not feel close to anyone.
Magen, Birenbaum, and Perry 1996
How to make your own coconut oil at home
Virgin coconut oil may be hard to find and are not readily available in some areas. I was out trying to buy some coconut oil and i could not find virgin coconut oil even at my Whole foods Market. So I went online to learn how to make my own. It was so much easier than I though, all i need was a few materials and a few days and I had my oil. I found it much more efficient to me and I got exactly what i wanted, which was just the virgin coconut oil. The materials and procedures are as listed at the bottom, try it and see the results yourself.
a. To produce its milk, remove the meat from the shell.
b. Cut the coconut into strips or chunks. Place them in the blender.
c. Add a small amount of hot water.
d. Blend it for a few minutes.
e. Place the cheesecloth over the mouth of the glass jar.
f. Pour a little of the mixture over it.
g. Squeeze the cheesecloth to obtain the milk and separate the pulp.
h. Repeat the process with the remaining mixture.
10 fresh coconut
cheesecloth/coffee filter
wide glass jar
- Extract coconut milk from fresh coconut.
b. Cut the coconut into strips or chunks. Place them in the blender.
c. Add a small amount of hot water.
d. Blend it for a few minutes.
e. Place the cheesecloth over the mouth of the glass jar.
f. Pour a little of the mixture over it.
g. Squeeze the cheesecloth to obtain the milk and separate the pulp.
h. Repeat the process with the remaining mixture.
- Put just enough water. Too much liquid will overly dilute the milk.
- You may opt to refrigerate the coconut strips before blending. Freezing them and then thawing will soften the coconut meat. This will enable you to extract more juice. Freezing does not alter the taste or nutrient content.
- Now that you have your milk let it rest in an uncovered glass jar for 1- 2 days.
- As effect of the fermentation process, the water and oil will separate. A layer of curd will form on top and the water settles down. The oil is to be found in the top two layers.
- Refrigerate the jar to let the oil and the curd harden.
- Remove the oil/curd from the jar after it has solidified. Throw away the liquid/water.
- Heat the oil and curd in a saucepan 140 to 180 °F (50-60 °C) for about 12 hours.
- Let it cool. You can now see oil and coconut solids in the pan.
- Separate the solids from the oil.
- Put cheesecloth over the mouth of the glass jar.
- Pour the oil mixture into the cheesecloth.
- Let the oil drain for a couple of hours.
- Squeeze the cheesecloth and discard remaining curd.
- Fermentation occurs best at temperatures of 85-105 degrees F. Place the oil in a slightly heated oven, if your room is not this warm.
- In draining the oil in the cheesecloth, make sure that the room temperature is 76 degrees F. This is to ensure that the oil will not solidify.
Florida, USA
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Lets be Positive (5)
A large group of students was given a word puzzle to solve. Researchers compared the satisfaction of students who finished the puzzle quickly or more slowly. Students who finished the puzzle quickly and compared themselves with the very fastest students came away feeling dissatisfied with themselves. Students who finished the puzzle more slowly but compared themselves with the slowest students came away feeling quite satisfied with themselves and tended to ignore the presence of the quick-finishing students.
Lyubomirsky and Ross 1997
Using a Herbal Hair Tea Rinse to rejuvenate your hair
Recently I have tried so many ways to help my hair stay healthy. Treatments, hair growth pills, conditioners from VO5 that cost $1 to Mix Chicks Deep Conditioner that's $45. The list goes on from oils and so many other things that i have tried. For the past two weeks now I found something else that as made a true difference in my hair. Using herbal rinse in my hair has not only stop my shedding but improve my growth. It helps my hair with the frizz, my products are working twice as well as they used to. With what I have found on the herbs that I have used are that your hair due benefit from this treatment. Herbal and Tea rinse help your hair by strengthening and conditioning it to provide a healthy hair growth because it nourishes from scalp to hair follicles. With different herbs and tea having their own use, find out what your hair need and try it and see if it makes a difference.
Organic Burdock: Maintains and Promotes healthy Scalp, encourages hair growth, Improves Hair Strength, Shine and Body.
Comfrey Root: Most well-known herb for healing Skin, Offers relief to dry itchy skin.
Organic Neem: Repairs Damaged Hair, Restores Sheen, Encourages Hair Growth.
Organic Chamomile: Heals inflamed Skin
Organic Nettle: Antifungal properties, Simulates the Scalp and encourages Hair Growth
Black Walnut Hull: Antibacterial, Antiviral, Antiparasitic
Organic Calendula Flowers: Nourish the skin, healing and Antifungal
Marshmallow Root: relieves scalp irritations, provides moisture and slip which helps detangle hair.
Lemongrass & Rosemary Essential Oil - Stimulates hair growth
Directions: Add 1 large tea bag to a large pyrex glass cup or bowl and fill with boiling water and cover. Steep for about 30 minutes. When the tea is warm, apply to scalp and hair and massage thoroughly. When pouring tea onto hair and scalp, hold a bowl at the end of hair strands to catch the tea and reapply. Repeat several times. Leave In or rinse out if desired. If you use a conditioner, use this tea rinse after you condition your hair.
always check for allergies and reaction to herbs and teas when using these products
Organic Burdock: Maintains and Promotes healthy Scalp, encourages hair growth, Improves Hair Strength, Shine and Body.
Comfrey Root: Most well-known herb for healing Skin, Offers relief to dry itchy skin.
Organic Neem: Repairs Damaged Hair, Restores Sheen, Encourages Hair Growth.
Organic Chamomile: Heals inflamed Skin
Organic Nettle: Antifungal properties, Simulates the Scalp and encourages Hair Growth
Black Walnut Hull: Antibacterial, Antiviral, Antiparasitic
Organic Calendula Flowers: Nourish the skin, healing and Antifungal
Marshmallow Root: relieves scalp irritations, provides moisture and slip which helps detangle hair.
Lemongrass & Rosemary Essential Oil - Stimulates hair growth
Directions: Add 1 large tea bag to a large pyrex glass cup or bowl and fill with boiling water and cover. Steep for about 30 minutes. When the tea is warm, apply to scalp and hair and massage thoroughly. When pouring tea onto hair and scalp, hold a bowl at the end of hair strands to catch the tea and reapply. Repeat several times. Leave In or rinse out if desired. If you use a conditioner, use this tea rinse after you condition your hair.
always check for allergies and reaction to herbs and teas when using these products
Florida, USA
Are you Positive (4)
In a long-term study of subjects over the course of more than a decade, life satisfaction was associated with the consistency of life goals. Goals regarding career, education, family, and geography were each important, and together add up to about 80 percent of satisfaction. These goals need to be consistent with one another to produce positive conclusions regarding goal achievement.
Wilson, Henry, and Peterson 1997
A Healthy Protein Mask for your Hair to gain strength
Taking care of your hair is no easy task if you really want healthy, long, and just beautiful hair. One important part of your hair treatment can be doing a protein mask. You can go and get expensive and chemical fill products at your beauty simply store or make your own easy one. Maintaining my natural hair has been a long process but now I have one trick I do once a month that makes all the difference to me. One simple two-step process helps me feeds my hair the goods it needs to stay healthy. Using one egg, about 3 to 6 tablespoon of mayo will make a protein mask. I apply it all over my hair making sure it gets in the roots to tip and cover it with a plastic cap, leaving it in for about 30 minutes. After I wash out my hair with my 100% black soap that is all natural, or you can use the shampoo of your choice the best works for your hair. I follow with my vinegar and water rinse with 1/4 vinegar and 3/4 water. Conditioning is my next step to make sure my hair has all the moisture it needs. After rinsing that out I add my leave in conditioner and style my hair as usual. A simple process to do at home if you have an afternoon that really benefits your hair to get its shine and bounce back.
plastic cap
Always check for allergies
Adding a tbsp. of honey in the summer time will help your hair draw moisture from the air
What You will Need
1 EEGMayo
plastic cap
Always check for allergies
Adding a tbsp. of honey in the summer time will help your hair draw moisture from the air
Be Positive in life (3)
Competitiveness can preclude life satisfaction because no accomplishment can prove sufficient, and failures are particularly devastating. Ultracompetitive people rate their successes with lower marks than some people rate their failures.
Thurman 1981
Friday, January 17, 2014
Using 3 simple steps in Cleaning Your face
Keeping your face clean is an important part of looking your best. With so much going on doing the day most of us really do not have the time to seat and use a lot of products or spending 30 minutes or more for our face. Three simple steps that you can used everyday to achieve a clean face and keep the dirt and oil buildup off your face. Using your hands and a facial cleanser wash your face at least twice a day. Wet face with warm water, apply cleanser all over face area in circular motion. If you have dry skin, a cleanser with glycerin, oily skin can choice a cleanser with glycollic acid or salicylic acid. If you have red spots on your face, usually an over use of cleansers is the reason. Second is using a toner, this can help remove any residue left behind on your face. Keeping oils and dirt off your face is the first step to helping your skin stay healthy and improve. One last thing you should use is a moisturizer, if your skin is dry environmental tolls can really damage it. Using a moisturizer helps your skin stay hydrated and healthy. Choosing a moisturizer that has sunscreen already for UV protection gives you more protection.
Helpful tips
- Meditation and yoga regularly
- Drink lot of water
- Get your 8 hours of sleep
- cooling pranayama for a glowing skin
- Always remove your makeup before bed
personal health,
Skin Care,
Florida, USA
Clarifying your scalp to take away build up and residue
clarifying your scalp is what removes everything from your scalp and hair that is not permanent. A healthy hair growth benefits from not only healthy eating and maintaining your scalp, but all the good products added from outside needs to get in. That is how your hair will continue to grow and stay healthy as the years go by. Most individuals that goes about their everyday life build up unwanted products on their scalp. The city life can be harmful in its little ways to your scalp little by little every day. With hair products that are used everyday, oils that your scalp produce, we also add our own essential oils to our hair. With the environment we sometimes forget that dirt build up on our scalp just like our skin, we have to clean it on a regular basis also. For most people residue that build up on their scalp goes unnoticed because when you shower you wash your hair. For the scalp to work to its full potential build up needs to be prevented. That is to detox your scalp about once or twice a month max, getting rid of all that is in the way of potential hair growth.
Base on the hair products that you used, some are heavy and will result in your hair needing clarifying more often than others. If you use a lot of products in your hair on a daily basis, buildups will stop your hair proper growth and health. On average most individuals need to clarify their hair once or twice a month. Using silicone-free products reduce the need to clarify your scalp often. Some signs that you may need to clarify your scalp is when your hair loses its shine, feels heavy, and looks dull. Others indications can be when your scalp starts itching, when you can feel the buildup, and for sure when your products stop working how they use to.
When clarifying your hair different methods may be used depending on hair and scalp sensitivity. To play it safe and still get your hair clean a simple vinegar and water rinse will do the trick. Shampoo your hair as usual and after pour a 1:2 ratio of vinegar and water together. Use the mix all over wash hair and leave it in for 2 to 5 minutes, after wash out with cold water to seal in. For a heavy buildup or if you just do not get to clarify your hair when it needs it try shampoo and baking soda mix. Using your preferred clarifying shampoo mix about tablespoon of baking soda, gently massage all over scalp. Leave in for about 2 to 5, rinse hair out with warm water than cold to seal it.
Take care so products do not get in your eyes when using
Choose products that best works with your hair type
Florida, USA
Cleansing your skin for a beautiful glow
Let us focus on your first impression that majority of the world see first, your face. It's your personal signature on everyone that you meet so you want it to look its best. Skin care is simple and should be fun because it’s personally for you. There really are no hidden secret to beautify skin, only a simple daily maintains of your natural beauty. In order to achieve that movie star look you simply need to have a few simple things. A skin care routine is a must to keep your skin health at its best at all time, not covering your natural beautiful skin under dead skin. Beauty is really skin deep as you may have heard in the past, being healthy inside out makes a difference. Feeding your body the proper nutrients will play a major role in your skin health. If there is no clogging from saturated fat and other unhealthy products from inside and you’re cleaning the outside on a regular basis your skin will always be at its best. Moving to the circulation of the blood under your skin can help with your skin condition also. Simple facial massage in the morning and night makes a little difference every day to your face. Most individuals use their hands as a sponge to scrub their face clean; using a facial sponge really helps the cleanser work its full potential. Using a flannel may cause irritation to your skin if it’s too sensitive, find your best facial cleansing buff.
With so many facial products it is hard sometime to known if you’re following the right steps. A skin care routine should include products to help the skin improve as much as possible. A cleanser should always be there to remove all the days dirt and grime. A toner is applied to clear away any remaining dirt and residue on your face, following an essence. The essence really helps hydrates and protect your skin, Emulsion should follow to help lock in all that moisture. Facial serum to your face following a moisturizer of your choice is then added. An eye cream is essential to most due to environmental of genetic cause. It will renew and keep your eyes looking its best for a youthful look to your face. Everyone is different in what the can use or even how much product they need. Your face may need seven products while someone else only use three, check to see how your skin react to each product.
Keeping your face clear and beautiful does not have to be a bother in your daily life. Make sure to detox your skin with a simple clay mask, exfoliate all the dead skin away for your face to have its natural glow. Water is life, so make sure you drink plenty of it for your hair, ski, and body. Set a night-time routine to pamper your skin before bedtime. High sodium intake can cause you face to appear puffy so take in a low amount. Green tea works great in cleansing your body and skin, making it a daily drink will help your skin improve.
Facial Mask,
Skin Care
Florida, USA
Living A Possitive life (2)
Happy people do not experience one success after another and unhappy people, one failure after another. Instead, surveys show that happy and unhappy people tend to have had very similar life experiences. The difference is that the average unhappy person spends more than twice as much time thinking about unpleasant events in their lives, while happy people tend to seek and rely upon information that brightens their personal outlook.
Lyubomirsky 1994
Be Possitive in life (1)
Studies of older Americans find that one of the best predictors of happiness is whether a person consider his or her life to have a purpose. Without a clearly defined purpose, seven in ten individuals feel unsettled about their lives; with a purpose, almost seven in ten feel satisfied.
Lepper 1996
personal health,
Florida, USA
Do you Have Dark Circle? Learn why and how to trest it
Most individuals always go by the everyday assumption that you have dark circles under your eyes because of exhaustion. Looking like you are always tired is not the best look for your face. An effect that you will see is your dark circles taking away from your eyes, and just overall add unwanted dull look to your face. There are more than a few reasons that causes those dark looks around your eyes.
The Mayo Clinic as listed some like:
The Mayo Clinic as listed some like:
- Allergies
- Atopic dermatitis (eczema)
- Heredity — dark under-eye circles can run in families
- Lifestyle factors, such as physical or emotional stress, smoking, or chronic alcohol use can take a toll on your appearance
- Nasal congestion (which can dilate and darken the veins that drain from your eyes to your nose)
- Pigmentation irregularities — these are a particular concern for people of color, especially blacks and Asians
- Rubbing or scratching your eyes
- Sun exposure, which prompts your body to produce more melanin, the pigment that gives skin its color
- Thinning skin and loss of fat and collagen — common as you age — can make the reddish-blue blood vessels under your eyes more obvious
Benifits of Olive Oil
Finding the best skin care products to not only enhance our looks but to maintain our youth is a long and heavy project sometime. Olive oil is not only for your kitchen, but can also be part of your beauty products. With a variety of benefits to your skin, olive oil goes a long way in skincare. Moisturizing your skin is important to keep it looking its best and not drying out to leave you with dead skin covering your new and improve one. For dry skin olive oil works great in keeping your skin new with less damage from the environment as a moisturizer. Make up looks great on but sometime can be a hassle to remove, especially your water proof mascara. Use olive oil as a makeup remover instead of your regular store bought brands. Apply the oil to a cotton ball and hold it on the makeup area for about 30 seconds and slide downward for makeup to come off. Most people that suffer from skin irritations like eczema and psoriasis have trouble almost everyday with their skin and learn to live life around it. Adding a quarter cup of olive oil to a warm bath of water to find some relief from your skin. Shaving for man and women comes with a number of pitfalls such as bumps, nicks, and razor rash. By applying lubricant like moisture-rich olive oil to the area you are planing to shave a smoother shave can be achieve. Anti-aging products receive lots of attentions because everyone wants to be young and beautiful. Aging is a part of life and it will happen, for some sooner than others depend on knowledge, genetics, and finance. Most of those products that actually works usually are out of the average person purchasing range. Olive oil can take care of your damage area, maintain your youthful look, and minimize those tolls nature takes on your skin on a daily basis.
Simple skin moisturizer
As always make sure you check products for allergies and skin reactions to avoid medical problems
Lesli Baumann
Harris Johori
Simple skin moisturizer
- 1 tbsp. of chopped Italian parsley
- 1 tsp. hot water
- 1 tbsp. olive oil
As always make sure you check products for allergies and skin reactions to avoid medical problems
Lesli Baumann
Harris Johori
Facial Mask,
personal health,
Skin Care
Florida, USA
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Food as Medicine Cucumber
Everyone likes usually like something sweet to eat or drink, how about having both and while staying healthy. Cucumbers have there own natural sweetener that taste great when you eating it or if you where to blend it and make yourself a cup of juice. Now getting all the good part comes with first selecting the right one. You want to look at two major part before taking one home. First look for the color, pick ones that are a darker green than the rest for they usually are the better quality. You than want to make sure they are firm when you touch them, do not pick a cucumber that is soft and easy to just squeeze with your hand. If you usually shop for fruits and vegetables you may known that if the cucumbers feel soft is most likely that they are starting to go bad. Pay attention to little detail like how they are laid out in the store or market to have a little insight on the quality.
Once you purchase your cucumber remember a few things, first is never buy a lot even when they are on sale. Most fruits and vegetables do not last long so you do not want it to just seat in your fridge and go bad. Once you have it store it in a plastic bag or preferably in a air tight container for about 1 to 2 days while you are using it.
Living in a state like Florida or California most individuals known how hot or cold it can sometimes get. The heat is particular bad for the summer part so a cucumber can really make a difference for you body. It is thermically: that means it has heating or cooling or a neutral effect on the body's temperature. Eating enough cucumbers when your feeling to hot will start to gradually cool your body down. Try it and watch as you body slowly start feeling better and you will be relaxing and cooling down before you known it.
Healing Properties:
Eating or juicing a cucumber has some great benefits to your body. One important one is cleansing the body of toxin, your body build up on the foods you eat. Even the healthiest of people have toxins building up in there bodies. Eating a cucumber can help you body detox on the go with no effort on your part accept for eating. When you body is cleanse and your blood is purifies you will look and feel great.Giving your body strength is also important, it can benefits and strengthens the heart and the Spleen-pancreas organ combo. With your body getting all this help it also makes it easy on your digestive system when you eat a pickle, if you are a meat lover than get a little more help digesting them. If you are worried or just want to avoid kidney and bladder infection make sure to eat a few cucumbers along your week. It can help you fight off the infections and get your system working properly. You can also receive benefits of it moistens and cleanses the Large Intestine. If you have tapeworm and want to try a natural way eat or drink a few cucumbers to see if it can kill them. Going back to those dry and hot climates cucumbers can moistens your lungs. If you have a fever or get a bit of summer heat stroke use cooled cucumbers to help you fight the battle.
One of my favorite benefits is the one it brings for your skin, if you do face mask or anything like a face pack try to incorporate the use of cucumbers. Cucumbers make your skin feel alive, it heals the cells and the tissues on your face. The juice will accelerate the healing of burns and wounds. Use it for skin care or medicine to look great and it will also cost you so much less than visiting a salon.
If you usually have a stressful day take a little time and relax for about 20 minutes with two cucumbers on your eyes. It can help you relax and relief the heat from them, along with any inflammations, swelling, or any dryness and irritations you may have. You may also receive a little bit of extra help, sometimes it can help to calm your mind and getting rid of a little depression.
Cucumbers are amazingly alkalizing which is of tremendous value if your body is too Acidic due to eating too many items too often that are part of the Standard American Diet...
You need to get your body back into a slightly alkaline state if you want to be healthy. That means you can try something as simple as eating cucumbers to help boost your body back to its original healthy state
The Amazing Cucumber nutrition's that you should known: Cucumber is loaded with water (about 96%) that is naturally distilled, which makes it superior to ordinary water tap water. The cucumber contains the minerals manganese, molybdenum, potassium, silica, sulfur, and lesser amounts sodium, calcium, phosphorus and chlorine. A source of Vitamins such as A, C, folic acid and many B vitamins. The skin contains a high percentage of its vitamin A, so should not be peeled off, it should be eaten or juiced with the skin intact.
Remember that everyone is different and our body reacts differently, eating and drinking cucumber juice can have a number of different reactions to your body. Always remember to check for allergies and other health problem before trying anything new.
Once you purchase your cucumber remember a few things, first is never buy a lot even when they are on sale. Most fruits and vegetables do not last long so you do not want it to just seat in your fridge and go bad. Once you have it store it in a plastic bag or preferably in a air tight container for about 1 to 2 days while you are using it.
Living in a state like Florida or California most individuals known how hot or cold it can sometimes get. The heat is particular bad for the summer part so a cucumber can really make a difference for you body. It is thermically: that means it has heating or cooling or a neutral effect on the body's temperature. Eating enough cucumbers when your feeling to hot will start to gradually cool your body down. Try it and watch as you body slowly start feeling better and you will be relaxing and cooling down before you known it.
Healing Properties:
Eating or juicing a cucumber has some great benefits to your body. One important one is cleansing the body of toxin, your body build up on the foods you eat. Even the healthiest of people have toxins building up in there bodies. Eating a cucumber can help you body detox on the go with no effort on your part accept for eating. When you body is cleanse and your blood is purifies you will look and feel great.Giving your body strength is also important, it can benefits and strengthens the heart and the Spleen-pancreas organ combo. With your body getting all this help it also makes it easy on your digestive system when you eat a pickle, if you are a meat lover than get a little more help digesting them. If you are worried or just want to avoid kidney and bladder infection make sure to eat a few cucumbers along your week. It can help you fight off the infections and get your system working properly. You can also receive benefits of it moistens and cleanses the Large Intestine. If you have tapeworm and want to try a natural way eat or drink a few cucumbers to see if it can kill them. Going back to those dry and hot climates cucumbers can moistens your lungs. If you have a fever or get a bit of summer heat stroke use cooled cucumbers to help you fight the battle.
One of my favorite benefits is the one it brings for your skin, if you do face mask or anything like a face pack try to incorporate the use of cucumbers. Cucumbers make your skin feel alive, it heals the cells and the tissues on your face. The juice will accelerate the healing of burns and wounds. Use it for skin care or medicine to look great and it will also cost you so much less than visiting a salon.
If you usually have a stressful day take a little time and relax for about 20 minutes with two cucumbers on your eyes. It can help you relax and relief the heat from them, along with any inflammations, swelling, or any dryness and irritations you may have. You may also receive a little bit of extra help, sometimes it can help to calm your mind and getting rid of a little depression.
Cucumbers are amazingly alkalizing which is of tremendous value if your body is too Acidic due to eating too many items too often that are part of the Standard American Diet...
You need to get your body back into a slightly alkaline state if you want to be healthy. That means you can try something as simple as eating cucumbers to help boost your body back to its original healthy state
The Amazing Cucumber nutrition's that you should known: Cucumber is loaded with water (about 96%) that is naturally distilled, which makes it superior to ordinary water tap water. The cucumber contains the minerals manganese, molybdenum, potassium, silica, sulfur, and lesser amounts sodium, calcium, phosphorus and chlorine. A source of Vitamins such as A, C, folic acid and many B vitamins. The skin contains a high percentage of its vitamin A, so should not be peeled off, it should be eaten or juiced with the skin intact.
Remember that everyone is different and our body reacts differently, eating and drinking cucumber juice can have a number of different reactions to your body. Always remember to check for allergies and other health problem before trying anything new.
Facial Mask,
personal health,
Skin Care
Florida, USA
Friday, January 10, 2014
Properly Pampering your Skin
Cleansing your skin require a few steps that will not only clear it up but will help keep its beautiful Glow. To start cleansing your skin, achieving a natural glow, only a few key steps are require.
First start with at lease applying a clay or mud mask to your face about once a week. This will help your skin not build up any dirt for a long period of time.
You than want to make sure you exfoliate your skin at lease two to three times a week. If you have sensitive skin you may want to see how your skin react and how much it can handle. I personally exfoliate everyday after I use my facial cleanser because my skin is not super sensitive and I use baking soda for my exfoliate so it has a nice smooth rice with no irritations.
using a cotton sheet mask before bed time can be an asset to your skin, it helps seal in a moisture and put good products on your skin right before a good night of sleep. Because it is right before bed time you skin with have that product to mix with it natural rejuvenation and boost your skin for the next day.
A few other tips to consider are just changing just a few of your habits that you may have or adding a few ones in. Did you known that drinking a cup of green tea a day, it may help to cleanse you body and make your skin glow all at once. Eating dairy may cause you to breakout sometime, depend on the months sometime I breakout and other times I do not. You may want to check how your body personally react to dairy, also going with high sodium foods may not be in your favor.
Keeping your skin clear all starts on the inside, you want what is inside to reflect outside. If you are not eating the right nutrition's, filling your body up and clogging up, it may cause you skin irritations that you could have easily avoid.
First start with at lease applying a clay or mud mask to your face about once a week. This will help your skin not build up any dirt for a long period of time.
You than want to make sure you exfoliate your skin at lease two to three times a week. If you have sensitive skin you may want to see how your skin react and how much it can handle. I personally exfoliate everyday after I use my facial cleanser because my skin is not super sensitive and I use baking soda for my exfoliate so it has a nice smooth rice with no irritations.
using a cotton sheet mask before bed time can be an asset to your skin, it helps seal in a moisture and put good products on your skin right before a good night of sleep. Because it is right before bed time you skin with have that product to mix with it natural rejuvenation and boost your skin for the next day.
A few other tips to consider are just changing just a few of your habits that you may have or adding a few ones in. Did you known that drinking a cup of green tea a day, it may help to cleanse you body and make your skin glow all at once. Eating dairy may cause you to breakout sometime, depend on the months sometime I breakout and other times I do not. You may want to check how your body personally react to dairy, also going with high sodium foods may not be in your favor.
Keeping your skin clear all starts on the inside, you want what is inside to reflect outside. If you are not eating the right nutrition's, filling your body up and clogging up, it may cause you skin irritations that you could have easily avoid.
personal health,
Skin Care
Hillsborough, FL, USA
Friday, January 3, 2014
Thursday, January 2, 2014
The THRIVE 8 WEEKS Experience!
The THRIVE 8 WEEKS Experience!
Watch and learn a new way to reach your maximum strength and personal power in your new life.
Watch and learn a new way to reach your maximum strength and personal power in your new life.
personal health,
Weight Loss
Florida, USA
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